Our mission at COVERD Greater Cincinnati is to help restore health and dignity to the less fortunate in our community.

Dec. 15, 2021- 2022 Schedule Posted + more

Happy Holidays Everyone!

  • If you haven’t yet, we need to hear from everyone in this survey about the annual meeting on January 6: https://forms.gle/y3ecECVrJBXaUt5dA. We are assuming anyone not responding is not interested in continuing with the partnership next year.

  • Please let me know if you are interested in having a conversation about improving the data collection tools, annual reporting, ordering process, etc. in the coming months. I’d love to pick your brain about how things are going!

  • The 2022 schedule is now available in the links at the top of the updates page. Please be sure to note all of the order and pickup dates for 2022 on your calendar. January orders will be due Dec 31.

  • I am trying out using a comments section on these posts. Any feedback or questions that might be useful for other partners to see, feel free to put them there. I will see them!

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