Our mission at COVERD Greater Cincinnati is to help restore health and dignity to the less fortunate in our community.

Sept 1, 2022 | Outcomes Reports | Missing Surveys | Advisory Group Feedback

Hello partners!

  1. We have put together the results of your 2021 Outcome Surveys which many of you submitted throughout the year. However, it turns out that many of our partners did not submit sufficient client surveys to provide meaningful data, or did not submit any at all. Please remember that facilitating the outcome surveys are a requirement for all Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank partners (and soon for all Tidal Babe Period Bank partners as well.) More importantly, these outcome surveys are one of the only ways we can gauge the impact that our work has. Thank you to those of you were committed to getting them turned in!!
    • All partners who were with us in 2021 should now see a report document in your PartnerBase account. If we received enough surveys from you, the document will show a summary of your survey responses. For everyone else, you should see a similar document with a brief notice indicating that there was not enough data, as well as a summary of any data we were able to put together for you.
  2. For all Partner Advisory Group participants: you should have received an email from me today (Thursday Sept 1) asking you to complete a review and survey of our proposed new tracking and reporting system. This is in place of a meeting this quarter. I would love to get some thorough feedback to make adjustments and improvements before making the new report official for next year. If you are in the advisory group and didn’t get that email, please let me know!

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