Reminder: Outcome Surveys are required.

Hello Partners! I want to thank all of the partner agencies that have been consistent in submitting outcome surveys throughout the year. These surveys are critical to measure the impact our programs have, and to make the case to donors, etc. that we are reaching our goals.

We will be providing the 2022 outcome survey data reports soon, for all partners that submitted sufficient surveys last year.

As we total everything up, it is clear that some did not submit any outcome surveys to us in 2022. I want to remind everyone that the completion and submission of outcome surveys is a requirement of partnership. Failure to do so may result in your agency not being eligible for partnership the following year. In your Human Essentials account, you should see either your 2021 survey report, or your notice that your agency did not submit sufficient surveys for 2021. We will provide the same documentation for 2022, and it is important that we don’t continue to see insufficient surveys.

As a reminder, the surveys can be completed on paper or digitally, and are available in English and Spanish. Paper surveys can be handed in at your pickup time. There is a Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank survey and a separate Tidal Babe Period Bank survey.

Surveys should always be completed at the following times:

  • Every time a new client receives the product for the first time.
  • Every client receiving products in the month of May.
  • Every client receiving products in the month of November.

This requirement has changed very little over the last few years, and it was covered at each annual meeting. Please ask if you have any questions. Thank you!

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