- For the month of June, partner agencies need to collect surveys from every person receiving diapers from your organization.
- A copy of the survey is available at the bottom of this post and in Appendix A of your 2021 Partner Agency Manual
- Surveys need to be returned to us in July, either during your pick-up or scheduling their return to us with Abby at support@sweetcheeksdiaperbank.org.
- We are so thankful for those of you who are including us in posts, on your website or in your newsletter.
- Please use our updated logos, available at the bottom of this post!
- We are no longer taking orders for June (that due date was 5/23). Any orders submitted between 5/28 and 6/30 will be processed for July.
- In June, there will be several pallets of books available along with the usual items on our partner shelves. Please have your pick-up person take a look at these free resources. They simply fill out the form by the shelves documenting what your organization is using so we can issue them out of our inventory.
- Please complete this short survey, if you haven’t already, on your agency’s interest in the Fly & Dry program.
- Starting June 12th PartnerBase users will be directed to: https://humanessentials.app/partner_users/sign_in. Login credentials and data will remain the same. This change will help the PartnerBase team better maintain the application. Please reach out to info@diaper.app if you have any questions!