Our mission at COVERD Greater Cincinnati is to help restore health and dignity to the less fortunate in our community.

Partner Agencies – Maintaining Your Contacts

Partner Agencies are now responsible for maintaining your current contacts in PartnerBase.

When we do need to send emails directly to a program, we will be using the contacts you have in PartnerBase. It is not possible for us to effectively manage a spreadsheet as changes are made at each organization.

To Update Your Contacts in PartnerBase

  1. Log into ParterBase
  2. Click the “Edit My Organization” button on the left of your screen.
  3. Scroll down to where contact information exists for “Executive Director,” “Diaper Pick Up Person,” and “Program Contact.”
  4. Update as needed for your organization and those will be the persons we will contact for questions or issues. Below is a screen shot of where that update would be made.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click “UPDATE INFORMATION.”

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