Hello! Thank you all for your patience in completing the Partner Agreements in Neon. You should be receiving QuickBooks invoices soon.
- April Orders must be submitted on or by March 31st. If you have trouble submitting orders please make sure you are using the up-to-date Google Chrome Browser. If you continue to have issues after that step, please email me for assistance at kara@sweetcheeksdiaperbank.org.
- I’ve attached the updated Partner Agency Manual. It includes instructions for ordering in PartnerBase as well as the Neon instructions. There have been updates made to it, so please read it carefully and let us know if you have any questions.
- Updated logos for those of you who selected adding our logo and webpage to your website are also attached to this post. We have included both a regular and horizontal version. For Tidal Babe partners, please include the website tidalbabe.org. For SCDB partners, please use sweetcheeksdiaperbank.org.