July 18, 2022- Confirmation Emails, Potty Kits in PartnerBase

(Edited to add: please bring back your bags! We had to buy more this month.)


Thanks to all of you who elected to push back your July pick-up! That was a big help, and it looks like we are on track to have the rest of this month’s orders ready as scheduled. Also, a HUGE thank you to Nancy at Kate’s Cupboard and the amazing volunteer group she pulled together at short notice. They wrapped 25,000 diapers in just a few hours! Very impressive.

A few of you let me know that the automated confirmation/ reminder emails did not go out this month from PartnerBase. I reached out to the developers, and they have looked into it and fixed the issue. Future emails should go out as expected. If you forgot about your pick-up because you didn’t get the email, or if you need a copy of your order sheet, please let me know.

Finally, the Potty Kits should now be visible in the order form for all Sweet Cheeks partners. Each kit includes a potty seat, 100 training pants of the requested size, and 1 pack of toddler underwear (size 2t/3t kits will include 2t/3t underwear, and size 3t/4t and 4t/5t kits will include 4t/5t underwear), as well as a children’s book, crayons, wipes, and a potty training pamphlet. The potty kits are intended as a “graduation” from the Sweet Cheeks program.

If you already submitted your August order and would like to add potty kits, please send me a note via email and go ahead and submit a 2nd order, then I will combine the orders manually.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for all you do!

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