Feb 01 Updates and Announcements (Neon, Deadline, Agency Meeting)

We know it has been a crazy couple of weeks; as you can imagine, launching a new system while getting orders pulled and picked-up isn’t an easy task to undertake! Before we go forward with Neon updates and deadlines (below) please note that partner agencies will be responsible for making sure we have the correct contact information moving forward. For instructions on how to check or update your contacts, please check this bulletin board post: https://coverdgc.org/partnerbase-how-tos/partner-agencies-maintaining-your-contacts/

Neon Update

  • If you attended the partner meeting, someone from your organization should have gotten the invite to create your company Neon account.
  • If your link expired, there is a link beside that notice on the page that will allow you to reset it and get logged-in.
  • If you got an email asking who attended the partner meeting, we need that information from you before we can set you up for renewing your 2021 partner agreement.


  • Annual Partnership Renewal Agreements need to be submitted in Neon by January 31st.
  • Orders for February are closed.
  • The Annual Agency Report is due in Neon by February 21st.
  • Orders for March are due February 21st.
    • March orders will not be processed unless we have both the Partnership Renewal Agreement and the Annual Agency Report submitted by your organization in Neon

Annual Partner Agency Meeting

Anyone who missed the meeting or joins your team this year will be able to watch our partner meeting via this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuM1LR2OuJg

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