Spring is flying by us! One final reminder that May orders are due 4/30 and we cannot accept late orders. If you are having issues ordering, you MUST send an email no later than 4/30 to kara@sweetcheeksdiaperbank.org titled, “(Org Name) – May Order Issue” with your order for May included. She’ll make sure it gets entered in time.
- Free Basic Needs-Informed Training – The Myth of Self-Sufficiency Training
- Tuesday, May 18th 1:00-3:00 via Zoom.
- For more information, see attachment below.
- To register, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1KlAW-bBSniUstpZR7tqug
Staffing Changes? Updated Contact Info?
- It is the responsibility of Partner Agencies to update their contact information in PartnerBase. We pull our distribution lists directly from the system. We cannot update your contact info via email.
- We strongly encourage you to check your information to make sure it is up to date.
- For instructions on how to update your info, go to this bulletin board post.
Fly & Dry Updates (and a Partner Survey)
- We have a short survey to gauge partner interest in the Fly&Dry program! Please complete this to the best of your knowledge so we can understand current need levels.
- Click HERE to complete the survey.
Free Stuff!!
- We have a pallet of children’s books along with quite a few other donations on the labelled shelves to the left of the garage door when you come to pick-up your order. Please only take what you believe your organization can use in the next month (so all partners can have access and opportunity to use these resources).
- Make sure to fill out the sheet by the shelves noting what you took, your organizations name, etc. so we can issue it out of our system.
A Partner Agency is Delivering to Product to the Wrong Address, but We Cannot Identify Which Agency
- A lady who has gotten 2 packages from what seems to be one of our partner agencies, of them delivering diapers and pamphlets to the wrong address. They were clearly intended for a Melinda Ward.