Learn our process from start to finish to see how we are working to end diaper need in Greater Cincinnati.
How do we get diapers from you to families in need?
Individuals, businesses, churches, community groups (you name it!) all donate diapers to help lighten the load for their neighbors and friends.
Did you know that we size-match kids? That means we use your cash donations to purchase TENS OF THOUSANDS of diapers every month to make sure each child has exactly what they need.
Each family can count on 50 diapers for each child, every month. We have over 2 million diapers a year going out the door!
We wouldn’t exist without the volunteers who put in over 400 hours each month to make sure our orders are packed with dignity and ready on time.
Our diapers become added incentives for each agency’s ongoing case-management programs. After pickup, our diapers head back to offices for sorting and distribution.
Families pick up Sweet Cheeks diapers from their agency. Thanks to you, babies get to be happy, healthy and safe with clean, dry bottoms!
Diaper banks supply diapers to local communities through partner social service agencies. This approach limits unnecessary duplication of services, reduces administrative expenses, and works collaboratively to solve a basic human need at the community level for infants, young children, and the disabled.
If a client needs diapers, they often have many other needs as well. Local social service agencies that deal with a full continuum of care are best qualified to meet this need and to become Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank (SCDB) Partner Agencies. By providing diapers, SCDB is giving an incentive to its partner agencies that could keep parents coming back to social programs that can help them break the cycle of poverty.
Having donated over 1 million diapers means one million clean bottoms, happy parents and more importantly, happy babies! While that is our ultimate goal, providing diapers to parents in need benefits our community in so many more ways. Having clean diapers allows parents to keep their kids clean and safe which in turn makes for a better home life.