Every baby deserves to be happy, healthy, and safe.

Donate Diapers & Volunteer At Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank

What Is Diaper Need?

Diaper need is a growing problem in our country. A clean diaper means a happy baby, but according to new data from The NDBN Diaper Check 2023: Diaper Insecurity among U.S. Children and Families1 in 2 U.S. families with young children cannot afford enough diapers to keep their infant or child clean, dry, and healthy. These babies are more vulnerable to painful rashes and urinary tract infections and have more trips to the doctor.

1 in 4 parents miss work or school because they can’t afford the diapers required to leave their baby in Childcare. Clean diapers are a basic need of every baby and toddler.

 Without clean diapers:

  • babies are exposed to potential health risks and toxic stress;

  • mothers are at risk for increased maternal depression;

  • parents are unable to access child care, which require a daily supply of diapers; and,

  • parents miss work or school.

Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank mascot Morty.

The Mission

Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank, a program of COVERD Greater Cincinnati, partners with local social service agencies to provide free diapers to families while raising awareness of the basic health need for diapers. 

2024 By The Numbers

Donate to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank, a program of COVERD Greater Cincinnati.
2.5 million diapers
Distributed in one year
There are over 3600 children receiving donated diapers from Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank.
3,600 Children
Served Per Month
Volunteer at Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank, a program of COVERD Greater Cincinnati.
50 Organizations
in our network
Donate to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank, a program of COVERD Greater Cincinnati.
Annual Donation Value

Help Babies In The Cincinnati Area

People say diaper need will disappear when pigs fly. We say welcome to Cincinnati: where pigs fly, we put chili on our spaghetti, and diaper need is being eliminated, one baby at a time.

Fund Our Mission

Through National Diaper Bank Network partnerships, we use your dollars to purchase 3x as many diapers as someone going to the store. And we’re purchasing A LOT of diapers–over 200,000 each month! Donate today!

Volunteer In Cincinnati

We can’t do this alone, and there are a lot of ways you can help! From hosting diaper drives and collecting donations at your work or school to wrapping diapers, there is always plenty to do!

Donate Diapers

Your generous donations to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank keep us running like a well-oiled machine. Together we can help put an end to diaper need in the Greater Cincinnati Area. 

Donate to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank, a program of COVERD Greater Cincinnati.


Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank can’t do this without our amazing donor base! If you are able to sign-up as a monthly donor, your generous donation allows us accurately project our yearly budgets, allows for improved financial stability, and ultimately allows us to purchase more diapers than ever! Sign-up today and make a huge difference in the lives of Cincinnati babies!

Volunteers at the COVERD warehouse.

YOU Can Make a Difference in Cincinnati!

Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank is an all-hands-on-deck organization. We rely on the help of numerous local volunteers to get our diapers out the door every month and onto the bottoms of the babies who need them. If you live in the Greater Cincinnati area and are passionate about helping children in need, consider joining our team of dedicated volunteers! 

Let’s have some fun and save the world one diaper at a time.


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