Nov 3, 2022 – Outcome Survey Month- Online Option launched! – Annual Report Preview Available

Hello Partner Agencies! Please read this entire post, we’ve got a few important updates:

Outcome Surveys and Online Versions

Don’t forget November is our 2nd Outcome Survey Month of the year. All Sweet Cheeks partners are asked to complete an Outcome Survey with each diaper recipient.

We now have an online version of the Outcome Survey, in Google Forms! A new version of the printable survey sheet with a QR code linking to the survey is now available as a PDF here on the partner updates page, as well as in the new partner manual revision posted now. Link to the English version: If you would like a version of the link with your agency name pre-selected in the form, send me an email and I can provide that.

There is also a new Tidal Babe Period Bank outcomes survey available both for printing (in the revised partner manual) and as a Google Form. We won’t be asking for this until 2023, but it is available now.

Annual Report Updates!

We have made a lot of changes to the Partner Agency Annual Report, as well as the associated tracking that is required to collect data for the report. Most of the changes are geared toward reducing the tracking and reporting burden on you! One notable change: we are no longer requiring the Client Application or the liability waiver to be completed with clients.

There is now a report preview spreadsheet available as another link at the top of this updates page. The document includes a revised tracking tool that can be used starting in 2023 to collect the needed data in the report. Please read through that sheet to see what we will be asking for in the report early in 2023, and to update the data you are collecting moving forward.

Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated, especially if you can share it soon, so I can make changes before doing a tutorial during our annual meeting in January! (Thank you to the partner advisory group members who already tested it out and provided feedback!)


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