Our Model

How do we get products to those in need?

We distribute products by partnering with about 50 social service agencies who distribute the product into the community. Our distribution model is based on research and best practices provided by The National Diaper Bank Network and Alliance for Period Supplies

Basic Needs Banks supply hygiene items to local communities through partner social service agencies. This approach limits unnecessary duplication of services, reduces administrative expenses, and works collaboratively to solve a basic human need at the community level for infants, young children, and the disabled.

Why don’t we serve families at our facility?

Our partners are the professionals at what they do – seriously! They are experts in hospitals, health and family services, food pantries, schools, and more. They know their clients’ needs and are best qualified to provide a full continuum of care. They are able to use our products as incentives so clients can make progress within their programs to become more self-sufficient. We also know that those needing assistance are already stressed by having to make several stops at different agencies to get their basic needs met. We don’t want to make families’ lives harder by becoming another stop. That’s why we leave it to the professionals. 

Click the image to download a pdf of our full distribution model. 

Click to download PDF

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